IMBB alumnus George Dimopoulos gave a talk in the seminar series of the IMBB Mentoring and Career Track Scheme | News

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25.04.2024 - 26.04.2024

IMBB alumnus George Dimopoulos gave a talk in the seminar series of the IMBB Mentoring and Career Track Scheme

IMBB alumnus George Dimopoulos gave a talk in the seminar series of the IMBB Mentoring and Career Track Scheme. His talk “Navigating your biomedical career path proactively” addressed essential ingredients of biomedical career management that can help students and researchers making informed decisions to embark on a most suitable career path.
George also gave an IMBB seminar "Genetic and microbial approaches to combat the ongoing expansion of arboviral infection" George did his Ph.D. with Kitsos Louis and is currently Professor at Johns Hopkins University. Since last year he holds an ERA chair at IMBB and leads the project “MicroBioPest”.